Alright. So picture this. You’re finally renovating that dream home in Fort Myers, you know, making it your own. But, this time around, you wanna do it right. Like, not just a fresh coat of paint, but a home that’s, you know, stylish and efficient, but also good for the planet.

Right. Sustainability is key. Exactly. And that’s where eco friendly building materials come in. And luckily for us, there’s this, this great local construction company called 2 Nice Guys.

They seem to really walk the sustainable walk. Yeah. They’re a great resource, especially for this kind of deep dive because they’re really in the trenches. Yeah. Like, they’re actually doing it.

Yeah. Putting these materials to the test. Exactly. And what I appreciate about their approach is they emphasize that, you know, down here in Fort Myers, sustainability isn’t just some trendy buzzword. It’s about, you know, it’s about efficiency.

It’s about waste reduction, especially in construction, which, let’s be honest, tends to be pretty resource heavy. Yeah. No. Totally. And that’s something they highlight, isn’t it?

Like, it’s not just about, you know, hopping on the eco friendly bandwagon. It’s about building smarter for the long haul. Exactly. But I think the question for a lot of our listeners, including me, is, okay. That’s all great in theory, but what does it actually mean for someone planning a renovation?

What are the real tangible benefits of using these materials? Well, one of the biggest things 2 Nice Guys talks about is how sustainable materials often mean durable materials. Oh, interesting. They give the example of fiber cement siding, which is interesting because it’s made from recycled materials, but it’s also incredibly resistant to rot insects, even fire, more so than a lot of the traditional options. So it’s like it’s kinda got it all.

And that longevity, of course, means fewer replacements, less waste over time. So you’re not just, you know, patting yourself on the back for being eco friendly. You’re actually potentially saving money down the line. Exactly. Which brings up, I think, a question a lot of people have, myself included, which is, don’t these materials often come with a higher up front cost?

That’s a common concern. And it’s true that some sustainable options might seem a bit pricier at first glance, but the 2 nice guys, they really hit on this idea of thinking long term. They argue that the initial investment is often offset by savings on energy and maintenance down the road. Okay. So it’s about looking at the bigger picture.

Exactly. And they give this great example of structural insulated panels or SIPs for short. Okay. SIPs. Yeah.

And these panels can actually significantly cut down on construction time and labor costs. Interesting. And because they’re so efficient at insulating, I’m guessing that means lower energy bills for the homeowner? You got it. The the SIPs, they create this really tight building envelope, which basically means your heating and cooling systems, they don’t have to work as hard.

That makes sense. Which is a win for your wallet and, of course, for the environment. So it seems like we’re already seeing a theme here. Yeah. Choosing sustainable materials.

It’s really an investment that can pay off in multiple ways. Absolutely. But how do we know which materials are right for a Fort Myers climate? I mean, that’s gotta play a factor too. Right?

Oh, for sure. Right. Because we are talking about building in Fort Myers here with, you know, that Florida sunshine and humidity. So what are some of the materials that really shine in this environment? Well, one thing 2  Nice Guys really stresses is the importance of choosing locally sourced materials whenever possible.

Okay. Makes sense. Because not only does that reduce the environmental impact from, you know, shipping things all over the place. Right. But it often means that the materials themselves are just naturally well suited to the local climate.

So less transportation, lower carbon footprint, and materials that can actually stand up to the elements here in Fort Myers sounds like a win win win to me. But what are we actually talking about here? Give me some examples. Sure. So take reclaimed wood, for example.

It’s a favorite of 2 nice guys. It’s durable. It’s versatile, and it’s readily available in Florida thanks to all the, the old growth forests that we have down here. Plus, it adds that warmth and character that a lot of homeowners are looking for. Yeah.

Reclaimed wood. I can totally see that fitting in beautifully with that Fort Myers vibe. But what about something a little more modern? You know, say, I want that sleek contemporary look. Well, actually, 2 nice guys.

They highlight polished concrete flooring as a fantastic option for modern homes in this climate. Really? It’s incredibly durable, naturally cool to the touch, and you could stain it, you know, to achieve a variety of different looks. Polished concrete. That’s a great idea, especially with all the sunlight we get here in Fort Myers.

Would definitely keep things from feeling too stuffy. But let’s talk about, I think, the elephant in the room or rather the humidity in the air. Yeah. You can’t escape it. We’ve got to address moisture control.

Right? Absolutely. And for that, they’re big proponents of using what are called permeable materials, things like bamboo flooring, which allows for better airflow and even certain types of exterior paint that allow the walls to breathe a little bit. So we’re talking about using materials and even design choices to proactively manage that humidity instead of just fighting against it constantly. Yeah.

That’s smart. What about insulation, though? Because that’s gotta be a major factor in a place as warm as Fort Myers. It’s huge. Yeah.

Yeah. And for that, they are big fans of using spray foam insulation Okay. Which does a fantastic job at sealing up all those little gaps and cracks where air can escape. And they point out that it’s particularly effective in our climate because it also acts as a vapor barrier, which basically prevents moisture from getting trapped inside your walls. So we’re talking about, you know, energy savings, moisture control, potentially even preventing mold growth.

That’s huge. But what about all the talk about, you know, harmful chemicals in building materials? Is that something I need to be concerned about? It’s definitely something to be mindful of. And for that 2 Nice guys, they really advocate for choosing what are called low VOC paints and finishes whenever possible.

Low VOCs? Yeah. VOC stands for volatile organic compounds. Okay. And they’re basically these chemicals that can off gas from some paints and materials, and they could really impact your indoor air quality.

Which makes a lot of sense, especially here in Florida where you’re spending so much time indoors during those, you know, hotter months. Exactly. So we’re not just talking about, you know, aesthetics and durability here. We’re talking about creating a healthy living environment too. Right.

It all ties into this idea of, you know, sustainable building. Mhmm. It’s about making choices that benefit both the planet and the people who are actually living in these spaces. Okay. I’m convinced.

But with so many different eco friendly materials out there, how do I know I’m choosing the right ones for my specific project and budget? That’s the $1,000,000 question. Right? Where do you even begin with all these different options? Well, 2 nice guys, they actually offer this really helpful framework for making these decisions.

Okay. They call it the triple lens approach. Triple Okay. I like it. What’s the idea there?

So, basically, they suggest you look at every material choice through 3 different lenses. You’ve got the environmental impact, of course, and then there’s the cost effectiveness, and then how suitable it is for your specific needs and the local climate. So it’s about finding that sweet spot where all those factors line up. Exactly. Yeah.

And it prevents you from, you know, getting caught up in just one aspect. Mhmm. Like, they gave the example of, you know, someone might be tempted to use a certain type of exotic hardwood. Right. But if that means shipping it halfway across the world Yeah.

They might steer you towards a locally sourced alternative that could be even more durable and cost effective. That makes sense. So they’re really emphasizing the importance of thinking holistically about these choices. Absolutely. It’s not just about, you know, checking a box saying, oh, yeah.

We used a green material. Right. It’s about understanding where did this material come from? How is it gonna perform over time? What impact is it gonna have on the people living in this space?

It sounds like they’re really passionate about giving homeowners the information they need to make informed decisions. Oh, absolutely. They even encourage people to, like, really get involved in the design process, ask questions. Yeah. You know?

Don’t be afraid to ask why. That level of transparency and collaboration, I feel like that’s not always easy to find in the construction world. No. It’s really refreshing. It is.

So to wrap things up, if you’re planning a remodeling in Fort Myers or anywhere really, remember that sustainability, it’s within reach. You know, it’s about doing your research, asking those questions, and making choices that actually reflect your values. Yeah. And who knows? Maybe you’ll inspire your neighbors to do the same.

There you go. That’s something to think about, isn’t it? And, hey, this deep dive was based on information specific to Fort Myers, but it got us thinking, how do those local regulations and resources in other areas impact sustainable building practices? That’s something for all of us to ponder. Until next time, keep diving deep into the world around you.

2 Nice Guys | General Contractor, Painting Contractor & Home Remodeling
6601 Astoria Ave
Fort Myers, FL 33905
Tel: +1 (239) 690-1479
Plus Code: J7VH+MQ Fort Myers, Florida

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